50,000+ tickets solved

We take care of technology, you have 100% of your time for your business.

50,000+ tickets solved

Tens of thousands of customer requests solved from various industries allow us to understand your needs. We know how to support large administrative centers, we know how to support production, we also know how to support mobile offices for demanding business people.

20 years of experience

IT and ITIL have been our passion for 20 years. We know how to do it.

20 years of experience

Our experience easily covers the entire range of modern IT services. From local support for hundreds of desktops, through deployments of complex server systems, network protection, VPN around the world, to the implementation of thousands of user Service Desks.

Professional Service Desk

Fully implemented ITIL v4 operational processes. Precise, straightforward and reliable.

Professional Service Desk

The IT Service Desk is managed by experts certified as “ITIL Expert”. We have fully implemented Incident Management, Request Fulfillment, Problem Management, Service Catalogue Management, and other processes.

Professional cloud and network management and outsourcing of IT services

  • Complex management of computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices

  • Printer and print system management with monitoring and monthly print reports, proven to reduce printing costs by tens of percent.

  • Complete management of local and cloud servers. Printing, domain, and application. Windows and Linux.

  • Firewalls, routers, wireless connections and VPNs, network experts at the global level (CCNP) are available.

  • Business class monitoring of all covered computers, servers, and network elements.

  • We understand the cloud. We will migrate you to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or IBM SoftLayer.

  • Professional Service Desk available non-stop, always conveniently within reach.

  • Fully implemented processes for Incident Management, Request Fulfillment, Problem Management, Service Catalogue Management, and others. IT supports your business without unnecessary overhead costs.

  • We have ITIL Experts. We can implement processes precisely and functionally over the long term.

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Great customer experience

We are really happy with the service provided. ITčko is a reliable, fast, and effective IT that perfectly meets the needs of our business.

Jurgen, Managed cloud for business critical applications (150 users)

We were looking for a company to implement Incident and Change Management with agile approach due to a significant change in the management of our company using ITIL recommendations. ITčko has ITIL Experts and a very human approach. The implementation project was successful, the processes are smooth.

Gabriella, ITIL processes agile implementation

We are using managed GLPI cloud with reporting and the service is flawless. Upgrades, backups, reporting, all of it is invisible for us, delivered automatically by ITčko.

Peter, GLPI cloud with managed reporting

We have offloaded most of local IT, and all services are now covered by ITčko. Not only has the quality of service increased, but it is also cheaper and more convenient than operating an IT department directly within the company.

Claudia, Managed local and cloud resources (500 users)

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